Tag: fear

  • Deine Ängste!

    Du hast mich gebeten, dich zu coachen, weil du meine Hilfe brauchst. Du willst das Ziel erreichen, aber bis jetzt ist es zu weit weg. Der erste Schritt ist, um Hilfe zu bitten, und jetzt bin ich da. Ich bin hier, um zu helfen, aber das ist nicht dasselbe wie zu sagen, dass jetzt alles einfach sein wird.

    Eines der Dinge, an denen wir arbeiten müssen, sind deine Ängste. Die Ängste sind die Hindernisse, die sich dir in den Weg stellen und es unmöglich machen, voranzukommen. Nehmen wir an, du hast die klassische Angst, in der Öffentlichkeit zu sprechen. Du erstarrst, vielleicht nimmst du nicht einmal die Aufgaben an, die öffentliches Reden beinhalten. Aber du weisst es. Wenn du nicht in der Lage bist, es zu tun, wird das Ziel, die Beförderung, einfach nicht erreicht.

    Natürlich werden wir daran arbeiten müssen, das ist der Weg nach vorn. Und das werden wir tun, und das ist dir bewusst.

    Wenn wir daran arbeiten, die Ängste zu überwinden und zu verkleinern, kann das eine Mischung von Gefühlen sein. Die Freude, vorwärtszukommen, und das Bedauern, es nicht früher getan zu haben. Das ist schon in Ordnung, wir müssen einfach weitermachen.

    Noch wichtiger sind die Ängste, bei denen ich dir helfen muss, sie zu beschreiben, sie in Worte zu fassen, um sie sichtbar zu machen. Wenn sie sichtbar werden, geht die Arbeit erst richtig los. Die Bewusstwerdung, die hier stattfindet, bringt auch Gefühle an die Oberfläche. Sei darauf vorbereitet, und wir werden daran arbeiten, weiterzugehen.

    Wenn wir weitergehen und die Ängste schrumpfen und überschaubar werden, geschehen plötzlich Handlungen, die du bisher hinausgezögert haben oder gar nicht unternehmen wollten. Das ist die Magie! Ich bin da, um dir zu helfen, damit du die Ergebnisse erzielst, die du dir erwünscht hat.

  • Your fears and how the coach can help you!

    You have asked me to coach you, because you need my help. You want to reach the goal, but so far, it is too far away. The first step is to ask for help, and now I’m here. I’m here to help, but that is not the same as saying that now, all will be easy.

    One of the things we will have to work on will be your fears. The fears are the obstacles that are standing in your way, making it impossible to move forward. Say that you have the classic one, you are afraid of public speaking. You freeze up, maybe you don’t even take the assignments that involve public speaking. But you know. Without being able to do it, the goal, that promotion, it is simply not going to happen.

    Of course, we will need to work on this, that is the way forward. And that we will do, and you know it.

    When we work on overcoming and making the fears shrink, it can be a mix of feelings. The joy of moving forward, and the regret of not doing it earlier. It’s OK, we will just have to keep going.

    Even more important are the fears where I need to help you describe them, put the words in order to make them visible. When they become visible, the work really starts. Here, the awareness that happens also brings feelings to the surface. Be prepared for this, and we will work to keep going.

    When we are moving on, with the fears shrinking and becoming manageable, actions that you where delaying or not at all willing to take suddenly happen. That is the magic! I am there to help, to get you the results you want.

  • Episode 4 – How to handle the challenge like champion

    You have challenge, a presentation, a meeting that makes you nervous. We have all been there, maybe needing to present something at a level that you are not used to, to important stakeholders. If you do it well, it could mean a lot. If not – that makes you nervous, scared…

    Imagine your favourite athlete, maybe it is Muhammad Ali, maybe Wayne Gretzki, right before a game. What is going on inside their heads? Going up against opposition that will try to make them lose, at the very least make their day really hard. Up against a risk to get injured, knowing that this could be the last game of the career.

    Who your favourite athlete could be is less important, what matters is that you can identify yourself with the athlete, picture yourself in the lockerroom, focusing. You know that you are really good at what you do, you play because you love the game. You have chosen it, and you love it. The risks come with the job, you accept the risk. Knowing this, you might not have the possibility to choose if this is your last game. Of course, you will give it your best, and enjoy the game. Accepting the risk disarms the fear, the danger is real. Fear is a choice, and your athlete has chosen not to fear.

    That is exactly how I would prepare for a really important board meeting, the dreaded internal audit or the opportunity to speak in front of 1000 strangers.

    I have worked in leadership positions for almost 30 years, being payed for it. That by any standards is being a proffessional. I am good at what I do, and I love what I do – otherwise, why should I take the stress that comes with the tasks and challenges. Being a proffessional, of course I have to love the important games the most. With respnosibility comes risk, and I need to accept that I will not always be the right player for the team.

    So, I open my eyes, step out of the lockerroom, into the meeting room. Excited, it’s important, but full of joy. Starting with a joke, I give it my best. If this is the last board meeting I get to do, I am going to enjoy it to the fullest. It will be a meeting to remember!